Here's what I did to capture some precious moments. Around my dining room table I noticed that we have some nice soft light coming from the chandelier overhead. Since the light intensity was not that great, I knew I needed to break out my 50mm f/1.8 and boost the ISO on my camera to at least 800. To meter, I switched to spot metering and manually dialed a +0.7 to +1.0 exposure off the cheek facing the light and locked it in. At f/2.8 I was able to get a shutter speed of 1/25 sec...good enough if I I hold the camera really steady and JCO doesn't move too fast.
Ok, now that I have the exposure down, time to make some interesting pictures. My strategy here was to ask JCO to impersonate a particular feeling or word...like "sad", "angry", or "flying". I'd then snap a few shots and show him the picture on the back of the camera. He found this very amusing and asked for another word. We shot some more, looked at the shots, laughed, and shot some more.
Good fun, priceless memories, on some random night, around the dining table.